Sunday, October 12, 2008

Pacific Coast Highway

Today, we drove down the pacific coast highway. We drove "17-mile drive" making a stop at Pebble Beach. Next, we drove through Carmel. The beach had a bonfire scent from the night before. Wish we could make bonfires on the beach back home. Next, was Big Sur where we stopped for a late breakfast. A gigantic mountain man sat next to me at the counter. The views going down the coast are incredible. Never seen anything like it in the U.S. We made a stop at Hearst Castle where we took a 2 hour tour. The castle was fit for royalty. We had to go up a 5-mile long driveway to get to the castle on the top of the mountain. Our tour guide was the 100 year old woman from the Titantic...or so she appeared. So the tour guide wasn't very intriguing, but overall it was worth the experience. We're now staying overnight in Buelton, CA. L.A. tomorrow.

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